We are a small publishing company that seeks to serve christ, encourage his people, and extend his kingdom.

  • What better way to show people how to put on the full armor of God than through stories about a Holy Order of Knights and Shieldmaidens known as the Order of the Centurions?

  • Make no mistake, we are in a spiritual battle against Satan and his dark forces but God has given us all the tools we need to plant our feet and stand our ground.

  • The year is 946 A.D. in an alternate Earth, one very similar to ours in most ways but one that is very different in some. Like Earth, Christ has died and risen from the grave, Rome has fallen and been replaced. In the east, the Eastern Roman Empire (the Byzantine Empire) still stands. In the west the Frankish kingdoms have arisen.

  • Unlike Earth, there are dragons, and werewolves, and other dark creatures that prowl the wild places.

  • I am David Noel, a retired educator with 25 years of experience teaching, who is answering God’s call to write faith based stories of adventure for the younger generation.

  • We look to the example set by C.S. Lewis with his Chronicles of Narnia books to use exciting stories to tell the story of Christ.

  • Our books differ from the Chronicles of Narnia by being less allegorical and more realistic in their portrayal of characters struggling with questions of faith.

  • I am assisted in this endeavor by various family members who help out with different aspects of the business.